24 January 2008

Major government expansion on tap for Albany

What is going on up in Albany? While it has taken over four years for Albany to sort out the racing franchise it seems like overnight a gaggle of new taxes and hidden taxes have been introduced. Looks like Albany is desperate for revenue with the lack of VLT's at Aqueduct and a slowing Wall Street/mortgage crisis. Just today Spitzer announced new taxes on on-line purchases, new taxes on Marijuana, a VLT casino at Belmont and expanded quick draw games.

How much taxation can the residents of New York take? Could these officials ever just cut out some of their programs? Millions live without the teat of government perpetually available for a lifetime of suckling. It looks like we are quickly moving towards a 100% effective tax rate in New York State. All the while the franchise mess has still not been resolved. Had the franchise mess been resolved on time, billions of dollars from the VLT (suckers) players would have been funding program after program and paying off past debts. Now we are facing a barrage of new taxes along with increased government corruption. Pepper that with uncertainty and you have to wonder how were 70% of New York voters hoodwinked into voting for Spitzer? Those must have been some clever TV ads that suckered them into the Spitzer era. Good job Mr. Steamroller and the voters of New York should be embarrassed of themselves.

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