10 January 2008

Power Play 10JAN Aqueduct

In race seven #7 Carry on The Dream is lone speed and the class of the field. Should be able to get loose and wire with ease at a nice price. 3rd off layoff form seals the deal.

R7 W #7

Power play stats
2 1-0-0
Strike rate 50%
cumulative ROI based on $2 bets $9.40


  1. Hey Greg didn't see an email on your profile so I thought I'd contact you on an old post. Would you like to know about the TBA? email me at handrideclothing@yahoo.com and I'll give you the info.

  2. The day before you post about how customer unfriendly NY Racing is for not allowing streaming video to their races and the next day you promote Aqueduct with a January 10 Power Play. Stop doing anything that promotes wagering on New York races until the video signal problem is resolved! Instead, promote the boycott of New York racing until all internet wagering companies can offer wagering AND video combined.

  3. I understand the boycott point of view when dealing with the train wreck of New York racing law. However I feel the squeaky wheel letter writer is the more effective change inducer. People stop playing horses everyday, however very few horseplayers write a letter to their representative. The reason why the horse player gets the short end of the stick in New York is the same reason why the crackhead gets the short end of the stick. The stigma attached to horse players in New York has kept them a nameless, faceless lot. Albany can make wagering laws with impunity because horseplayers are counted on to not stick up for a game which is looked at as a embarrassing addiction. That is non-sense and it is time the horseplayer makes his voice heard in Albany. Taking a few hundred/thousand dollars out of the pools is not going to drive the message home to Albany. A flood of e-mails and letters will.
