06 March 2008

ADW account poll

Even though it is a minuscule sample, the results of the ADW poll completely support the top ten things horseplayers like list. Twinspires is far out in front while TVG and YOUBET once dominant tenured ADW providers are being completely ignored by the online horseplayers that visit this blog.

Why is twinspires the on-line dominant ADW provider? TVG has the most exposure reaching 30 million homes on TV and YOUBET has the best website. The key to Twinspires success is two words, free stuff. In comparison not only do YOUBET and TVG not offer free PP's but they are notorious nickel and dimers who charge fees to watch video or charge per wager fees. These smalls fees are the main reason why the customer base is switching to Twinspires. Twinspires understands the customer base and does not try to find revenue where the horseplayer finds annoyance.

The online upstart Premier Turf Club is a favorite of those that frequent the paceadvantage message board. The selling points of Premier Turf Club is rebates for all, a highly motivated pro-active owner who is involved in customer service and offers a modern wagering interference that horseplayer designed with many innovative features. The glaring weakness is that the major thoroughbred circuits are not available on Premier Turf so if you want Aqueduct you will have to settle for Assinoba or Belmont fans will have to settle for Beulah.

Other local providers like NY OTB, NYRA rewards, Cali Intertrack are a mixed bag Personally I use NYRA rewards and they work well for me. They offer a small rebate, an amazing track menu featuring almost every flat track from Suffolk to Del Mar and an array of free stuff perks. Preferred access to Belmont Stakes tickets, Saratoga Tickets and a free Breeders Cup Buffet. OTB still charges a 5% winning bet surcharge to those with accounts less than $300 so OTB is completely out of the question for those that want track prices and have modest bankrolls.

If ADW management is reading this I would hope that they read the top ten things horseplayers like list and take heed. Anything less than free PP's and they are showing that they do not understand their customer base and are okay with twinspires demolishing their business. Why are these ADW providers still nickel and diming the horseplayers with per bet fees and video fees? Do I have to make myself available for freelance consulting to correct the YOUBET/TVG business model? Management needs to alter the budget plans to eliminate these fees as the small revenue from the small fees are cannibalizing the gross handle and causing the patrons to migrate from your service to those ADW providers that have read and respected the top ten things horses players like list

1 comment:

  1. I can't understand why anyone would pay to place a bet with an ADW. There are too many other quality ADW services out there to even consider paying for the "privilege" of placing a wager online.
