01 June 2008

Tomcito Out Of Belmont

Tomcito has been declared out of the Belmont by his connections. According to trainer Dante Zanelli. Zanelli said the son of Street Cry was suffering from a “reaction” but did not specify what caused it. “It’s very depressing,” he said.

Maybe they should find an allowance race for Tomcito so he can get a win over here in the states. Looking at his stride he does not look like the a stakes horse in the US. They need to find an easier spot.


  1. He finished third in the Florida Derby and had that pallet problem in the Peter Pan... once they get this horse's health figured out I think he'll be fine.

  2. I followed this horse closely starting in February. Check out the Tomcito watch from 4 months ago, I had high hopes for him as I admire South American runners. However one look at his action and it was clear that Tomcito did not have what it takes to be a triple crown horse in the US.

    Maybe he could find a niche as a long distance dirt horse. With that new BC Marathon many new spots are opening up for a horse like this.
