22 June 2008

Where Will Curlin Run? Lawyers Confident In Obtaining a New York License

All that remains between Curlin running on the turf is a turf workout in a few days. Then the next question is where will he will run? Team Curlin has their sights on both the Man O' War at Belmont and the Arlington Handicap. Both races are run on a wide turf course and not a seven furlong bullring like the one at Churchill or many other one mile tracks. The fly in the ointment is a report that surfaced indicating that Curlin would not be able to run in New York due to licensing issues. Former stablemate Einstein was forced to run in Kentucky due to this very issue. However a new report indicates that Jackson's lawyers are confident that Curlin will be able to run in New York. Hopefully the lawyers and bureaucrats can clear up the red tape and sort out the issues.

Licensing issues aside it looks like the Man O' War is the preferred race for Curlin. First the 500k purse is significantly higher that the Arlington 200k purse. Secondly the Man O' War is over the sweeping Belmont turf course which has more of a wide, sweeping international camber than the tighter Arlington turf course. Thirdly the Man O' War is a well established grade I while the Arlington Handicap is a only a grade III. Finally the Man O' War is a weight for age event while the Arlington race has weights assigned by the track handicapper. Curlin could end up giving weight to experienced graded stakes turf horses if he is Chicago bound.

The Man O' War was Secretariat's first turf race, it would be fitting that Curlin begins his French raiding ambitions in a race won by the original big red. The Belmont turf course is the largest in the States and would be the closest experience to running at Longchamp.


  1. Would love to see him run at the Big Sandy. Hope you are right because this may be our last chance to see the horse run on US Soil.

  2. Isn't there a grade I(T) at Del Mar that could also fit? The Eddie Read Handicap is a $400,000 nine furlong race.

    Doug O'Neill is indicated that he'll run Lava Man.

  3. united nations fits too

  4. Asmussen has already said he wants Curlin to race on an international like turf course. That alone eliminates DelMar and Monmouth.
    July 12th in the Man O' War at Belmont Park makes perfect sense.
    Hopefully the owners situation can be worked out with the NYSRW Board.
    I think I'd take a ride down to the Park on the 12th if Curlin runs.
