31 July 2008

Bonus Power Play Of The Day 31JULY

Race 8 Saratoga
Another power play at a big price has been identified by the powercap. This race seems to have a huge amount of speed and a big speed duel looms. Set to benefit from this speed duel is #7 Imagistic. This filly has a few conditioning races under her girth and has the pace set up to win this over the same track and surface she broke her maiden over last year.

Race 8 Win #7 Imagistic

36 7-6-5
strike rate 19%
cumulative return $89.30
$2 ROI $2.48


Special power cap double play since the dual plays of the day are in consecutive races.

Big DD 3/7
DD 3,4,6,9 / 7
DD 3 / 4,5,7,8


  1. There was a pace meltdown and a deep closer did score but it was Borrowing Base who annexed the stamina required to get to the wire first.

    38 7-6-5
    strike rate 18%
    cumulative return $89.30
    $2 ROI $2.35

  2. once again, thanks for nothing.
