15 July 2008

Evening Attire Entered In Philly's Greenwood cup $250K Stakes

Everybody's favorite gray gelding Evening Attire is entered at Philly in the 12 furlong Greenwood Cup. This race is part of the win and you're are in NTRA/Breeders Cup promo. Looking at the pp's Evening Attire has a great chance to win as not one of his rivals have proven that they can get 12 furlongs. My only concern would be the weather as it is forecasted to be 95 degrees and unbearably humid. These are brutal conditions for a long race and a three hour van ride. If Evening Attire's connections decide not to run, they can consider a 1 3/16th overnight stakes race at Saratoga on the 9th of August that would be a good fit for him.


  1. Nice blog, Evening Attire is a wonderful story. Hope the connections take the automatic bert to the BC :)

  2. He won with ease. Outclassed and outgamed his rivals. Hopefully Campo writes a long overnight stakes race in the second Saratoga condition book that EA could run in.
