25 July 2008

NYRA Replays And Audio Return To Website

Someone in Albany relented and allowed NYRA to show it's product on the NYRA website. I guess people were not streaming into to OTB to pay a 5% surcharge just because live audio and replays were not available on the NYRA website. After a few months of not being able to offer replays of its races the replay website returned yesterday. It is a good idea to bookmark the replay link as for weeks the link from the NYRA page was blocked to satisfy the corrupt legislators while the website for actually functioned with replays being available while the NYRA website stated this;

For regulatory purposes, NYRA is not permitted at this time to provide a link to our race replays. NYRA understands and regrets this inconvenience for our fans who have come to rely upon these services.

Please be assured NYRA is doing everything within its power to work with the New York State Racing and Wagering Board to restore this link to our web site as soon as possible..

1 comment:

  1. This is EXCELLENT news! I'd given up checking to see if they were up.
