30 August 2008

30AUG Power Play

Curlin mania is in full swing. Back in March I began advocating for Curlin to take to the turf. He did and that was quickly aborted after one effort. Now that the turf plan has been aborted Curlin will be 1-5 to take down the Woodward as plan B. I will play against him here at a short price. Love the lone speed and second off layoff of Wanderin Boy, this race is plan A for him. This guy is underrated and will be loose in here with the mud calks on a wet track. 10-1 is realistic and he could score in a wire to wire smasher.

Saratoga Race 10 Win #8 Wanderin Boy

40 7-7-5
strike rate 18%
cumulative return $89.30
$2 ROI $2.23

1 comment:

  1. As my personal power pick anonymous troll would say, another loser pick. Wanderin boy never made the top and chased a sultry pace. The ROI still remains in the black.

    41 7-7-6
    strike rate 17%
    cumulative return $89.30
    $2 ROI $2.18
