20 October 2008

Hope That TVG Can Survive

TVG is up for sale and I hope they survive in tact. This network gets a bum rap from many horse racing fans but It is the greatest thing on TV since the Honeymooners. Before TVG started operations horse racing was on TVG for maybe 15 hours a year. Now it is on 17 hours a day 365 days a year. It just may be the greatest channel on American TV, not only can you watch the action but you can bet right on the TV. There is even an interactive tote board with a wager function for those with the Dish network. This is the only network that stimulates the brain instead of numbing it. If this channel shutdown the game would take a huge hit.

While I have been a casual fan of the game since the late 1980's it was TVG that captured my attention and made the game a big part of my leisure time. Before TVG there was the local OTB channel and rare broadcasts of Saturday stakes races. TVG was a huge improvement over the drab NYC OTB channel which cut over to the RAI news everyday at 6PM sharp sometimes in mid-race. While TVG is not perfect I find the hosts entertaining. Yes they give out losing ticket after losing ticket but I do not take that very seriously. Two of my favorites are Ken Rudolph and Matt from 58 flat who could easily be on ESPN as they have good humor and a real passion for the game. Yes some of the hosts do get on my nerves but they will remain nameless.

The game will surely suffer if TVG goes off the air, it may be the only pipeline for younger fans to the game. Surely rival network HRTV does a good job as well but they do not reach nearly as many homes as TVG. It is vital for racing to maintain a daily presence on TV if racing is to continue as a niche sport. Shows like the works or the finish line on TVG and inside information on HRTV provide the only racing based programming on American TV. If racing drops off the TV guide it may fade into oblivion like Jai-Lai.

1 comment:

  1. Power Cap,
    Couldn't agree with you more...TVG for all the criticism, put horse racing on the (satellite/cable) map and brought it up a level when channels like ESPN discontinued their 30 minute weekly highlight show w/ Chris Lincoln.
    Dish Network is fantastic for horse racing, also includes HRTV with TVG.
    Any BC Power Cap locks? How about plays against?
