15 February 2009

After Valentines Day Bomb Play Of The Day

Big-A Race 5

If Valentine's put you in the hole, Power Cap is here with hope. If you are like me you have flower, chocolate and dinner bills. This is no time to sulk as we have a plan to have all of these paid off by the time they run the feature in Ozone Park. All these bills make me say Arrr! Which is ironic because the favorite in this claimer is Arrr who seems to get bet because of his silly name time after time. Judging by Arrr's 2 for 23 record and his lack of form he will be up the track at a short price. This is a good betting race.

These beaten claimer races are usually loaded with 4 your olds with many wins but this one is unique. All of the horses except for a pair of them are in for the non-winner of three lifetime condition. The horses in for the four year old condition have an edge. Of the two that are in for the four year old condition Merlin Circle is the bigger morning line price and may just have a special trick up his sleeve. Merlin is making a huge drop in class, adds blinkers and has a bullet work on Friday the thirteenth. 20-1 morning line could pay off all the bills and turn presidents day into a literal pocket presidential showcase, everyone from Washington to almost President Benny will be in on display if Merlin can do the trick.

In addition to the Merlin win bet toss in a double using 5,6,7,8 / 7. If you want more action box 5,6,7,8 in the exacta for 12 roses.

For our tracking purposes register a win bet on the wizard Merlin #7

Long Term Stats

62 11-9-10
strike rate 18%
cumulative return $113.20
$2 ROI $1.83


  1. Ms. Troll checking in: Nice job, you are finally on a win streak after a horrible 2008. Your ROI is looking up, might even be in the plus column soon.

    I will be watching!

  2. The wizard turned the form around on a dime and went from the caboose last time he raced to winners circles glory today. Certainly all power cap fans are flush with bankroll this weekend. Merlin Circle returned a healthy $21.40 on the win action, and kicked off the posted double.

    power stats

    63 12-9-10
    strike rate 19%
    cumulative return $134.60
    $2 ROI $2.14

  3. I heard a lot about Arr and Merlin Circle. Great to see Merlin Circle living up to the expecations.
    By the way, great blog!
