18 March 2009

18Mar09 Play Of The Day

Aqueduct Race 3

With Hill shipping out soon for Santa Anita here is his chance to show them how to ride two turns. Hill has the mount on hidden power horse Pluracity who is poised to take this field wire to wire. Pluracity gets class relief in here and drops to the lower class level than the last three. Last out was a real hot pace with speedsters like Temporary Saint, Like Now and Mister Triester hard at his hooves. Today he only has to outgame Prince Of Iron on the lead who will likely be intimidated by the need the lead monster Pluracity. With warm winds forecast out of the south the track should be much more conducive to the forward running style. Pluracity is the third choice on the morning line and is the most likely winner of this race.

W #5 Pluracity


67 15-9-10
strike rate 22%
cumulative return $146.90
$2 ROI $2.19


  1. Pluracity had everything his own way slow pace, loose on the lead but he was not up to the task in the lane. Very disappointing result.


    68 15-9-10
    strike rate 22%
    cumulative return $146.90
    $2 ROI $2.16
