27 March 2009

The End Of The Line For The Belmont Special

The MTA finalized plans to cancel service to the Belmont Park. This station was one of the first to be electrified in the early 1900's. My favorite station on the LIRR will sit idle for the foreseeable future. There will be nearby service to the Queens Village Station but there is still a half mile trek to the track. Perhaps NYRA will arrange for buses to shuttle riders from this train station to Belmont.

As a local taxpayer and dedicated horseplayer it is sad that $1.8 billion of my taxes have gone to construct a new Yankee Stadium and Mets Stadium yet they canceled the train to the best stadium of them all. I hope the ballfans enjoy spending $500 watching their favorite steroid fueled meathead chase balls and I hope they cheer really loud when the PA system tells them to.

Here is a few of my favorite photos of Belmont Train Station

From Power Cap

From Power Cap

From Power Cap


  1. Disappointing news. Time to figure out where the Bellerose Station, I guess, and find a walking route from there to the track.

  2. "I hope the ballfans enjoy spending $500 watching their favorite steroid fueled meathead chase balls and I hope they cheer really loud when the PA system tells them to"

    Well said...

  3. Given the way that Albany operates, the station closing isn't quite final. There's still time for the Legislature to pass the transit rescue plan before the MTA Board meets April 8th. But I'm not holding out much hope. Reportedly, the train averaged only 100 riders a day last year, so it's an easy target.

    There will be a shuttle bus from Bellerose station, which is within sight of Belmont Park. So you won't have to walk, Jessica.
