14 April 2009

Holding Out Hope For The Belmont Train

Maybe the Belmont train service can be salvaged? For me and other race fans it is a vital link from Manhattan to Belmont Park. The service still appears on the on-line MTA LIRR schedule. What a shame that the grandest urban racetrack in the US will have its dedicated train station shuttered due to budget cuts. While the government shuts off Belmont Park fans from public transit the same government is spending $91 million of taxpayer money to build a new Metro North Station for the New York Yankee baseball team. The Yankees already have a subway station but the local government felt it needed to spend $91 million of the taxpayers money so that the Yankees can have two stations. Yet another example of how government corruption has harmed horse racing in New York. Perhaps something is being worked on up in Albany and the Belmont train can continue to serve Belmont like it has for over 100 years.


Here Is The Same Schedule Circa 1905

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