26 April 2009

Mr. Fantasy Sharp In The Withers

Mr. Fantasy did his late brother proud by winning his first graded stakes in the Withers. My associate in the paddock reported that Mr. Fantasy was a perfect gentleman in the Aqueduct paddock. This improved behavior translated into a nice score and rebound after his Gotham hysterics and fade. The suggestion to point to the Withers worked out well.

Moving forward Terry Finley has expressed that there are two options on the table for the colt, the Preakness or the Met Mile. Time wise and behavior wise the Met Mile makes more sense for three reasons. For one this high strung colt could react poorly to shipping, the prestigious Met Mile is right at home. The Preakness paddock is sure to be a wild scene where a high strung colt like Mr. Fantasy could be set off. The second advantage is the distance as Mr. Fantasy is building a resume at 1 mile but is still a question at 9.5 furlongs. The third factor is the competition, while the Met Mile will surely draw a strong field, the three year old colts this year have been exceptional, Mr. Fantasy may have an easier time of it in the Met Mile while enjoying a significant weight break. I look forward to seeing Mr. Fantasy on Memorial day.


  1. Mr. Fantasy was a mess in the paddock. He was fractious; spectators had to be moved out of way several times; and he was totally washed out. Turf writers and fans were comparing it to his paddock performance before the Gotham. He was a mess!

  2. Thank you for the correction on the paddock report. It is very hard to find good help these days, and my personal paddock observer has been fired! If you want something done right you have to get out and do it yourself.

    If Mr. Fantasy could keep it together in the paddock his potential must be tremendous.

  3. Well, I was in the paddock before the Wood and never saw Imperial Council's antics, so maybe it's right place, right time? I'm sure that that person deserves another chance... ;)

  4. I was in the paddock and although he looked warm he was nowhere as washed out as he was in The Gotham . He acted out while trying to be saddled and was saddled while being walked but after that and when Mig got on board he calmed down until he got into the starting gate . Is this behaviour such a bad thing look at the way Madeo acted up in the feature at Hollywood yesterday it reminded me of Mr Fantasy and lok at the outcome .. i would rather see him n the Met Mile

  5. Thanks Waytrain, that is good info as Mr. Fantasy washed out in the Gotham paddock and acted up. He really was a mess that day. It seems like his Withers act out did not include the wash out. So it seems that his behavior was improved and that helped his performance. You want to apply for the power cap paddock rep position?

  6. Please do not get me wrong of course i would love to see him behave and be calm , so many people look negetive on horses that act up but it could be a sign they know the task ahead and just want to get out there and run . Remember he is a very late May foul and has a lot of growing to do . I have a feeling he may have a big summer but then i am biased as i own a share of him ...lol

    look out for a 2 year old The Denfense Rests he could be a big star too http://waytintotheraces.blogspot.com/

  7. Not only was he washed out in the paddock, he was wild in the gate, broke with his head up and turned dead left, was pushed 10 wide by the 4 horse and still won in 1:34.9


    Meanwhile, they have been schooling him quite often during live racing the last 2 weeks so he should be improved - we shall see.
