24 June 2009

Final Pick 6 Ticket

Final pick 6 ticket after accounting for the surface, the scratches and the winds of luck. The scratches have been tallied and the final ticket is in. The single is Quonata in race 5, hoping she can reproduce the form from her last race, if she does she wins.

pick 6 5,6 / 13 / 1,5,6,10 / 5 / 1,6,10 / 1,7,10 = $144


  1. Saint Midas got you!! pfft, not even a real Saint, he was a King... what's up with that?

    Maybe 5 out of 6? Good luck!

  2. Had Saint Midas. Ticket was amended 10 MTP and we tossed Karakorum. $144 ticket rolls. Need a single here and a ton of luck to make it home.

  3. First single gets home. Four legs to go for pick 6 glory. The other single is Crazy Thing who needs luck. Thanks for following along.

  4. This is getting exciting!

    I just watched the replay of Crazy Thing. Wow! Right down to the wire.

    Keep on going!


  5. It was fun while it lasted but Crazy Catlady blew up the ticket. Three chances in the finale for the conso payout.

  6. 4 of 6 on the ticket. Strong start with a weak finish.

  7. Strong capping Mr. Power Cap-that damm crazy cat lady took down a bunch of us today.
