21 January 2010

Horse Racing Italian Style

Here is a film of a different style of of horse racing that we are used to looking at in the Anglo world. This is the Il Palio di Siena. A tradition that has continued since 1590. This is not a gambling race or part of an industry but an event of the people. The horses represent one of 10 of the 17 Contrade (wards)of the city. The celebration after the race is touching; the emotions and passions are very real.


  1. When are you going to start giving more "Play of the Day"'s? I jumped all over Awesome Mich in November and he returned a nice price (and won again about 2 weeks ago). Come on, you're slacking! We need some winners big guy!

  2. Someone noticed. It is only a matter of time before I start with the "play of the day" series again.

    The big-A has been ultra formful, not necessarily small prices but very truly run races; I my opinion the best track to play anywhere in the country all year.

    I thought that posting horse racing travel videos would be a good substitute for sharing winners, I guess I was wrong. As nice it is to cash a ticket on the Big-A wouldn't you rather be in Siena in the summer?

  3. PowerCap,
    Great topic - I was just in Siena in early January I posted some not very good handheld video footage at WirePlayers.com I took from the Piazza del Campo where the Palio is held. It was a cold, rainy day but the little medieval town of Siena was still amazingly beautiful. It'd be awesome to see the races in person one day.

    I would much rather be in Siena, summer or winter, than the Big A, but that's just me.
