13 February 2010

Frame Of Reference~Play Of The Day

Aqueduct Race 1

Frame Of Reference is the likely second choice today in race 1 but he is my top selection. I like three things about this colt.
  • Frame Of Reference is a colt with 3 wins and gets to face N3L comp based on his age.
  • Drops out of a tough race with multiple winners and he was bet down to 5-2 that day.
  • The race favorite Geno Green is a game horse but he will likely be bet down to odds-on. There are solid knocks on this favorite; he has not run for over six weeks and scratched(29JAN10 trainer) in the interim. Maybe the claim-o-rama is taking a toll on him as he has changed barns four times in the last 5 months.
5-2 ML may not be all a dreamboat price on A $750k colt in for $7.5 K, but with the expected deluge of action on vulnerable Geno Green I think there is built-in value.

Win #6 Frame Of Reference

2010 stats
3 1-0-1
strike rate 33%
cumulative return $39.80
$2 ROI $13.27
average winner $39.80

1 comment:

  1. If I was any more wrong about this race I would have been right. Geno Green coasted on the easiest of leads in hand. So much for Geno being vulnerable, he won with panache paying a measly $3.30. Frame of Reference was the horse that was vulnerable and nary got a call in this race. The only bright spot here was that we got this shipwreck out of the way early.

    2010 stats
    4 1-0-1
    strike rate 25%
    cumulative return $39.80
    $2 ROI $9.95
    average winner $39.80
