01 July 2010

Ice Cold ~Play Of The Day

Belmont Race 2

Natural Ice, dry Ice or Bud Ice? No this one goes to Tim Ice and My Valentina. As a welcoming present to top dog Domingo they put him up on a winner first time riding for the barn. Barn already had a 2YO FTS win named Commonwealth Rush and it looks like this one worked out with that one. My Valentina is the pick here.

Win #8 My Valentina

18 6-2-2
strike rate 33%
cumulative return $73.60
$2 ROI $4.09
average winner $12.27

Bonus Play: Maybe an Ice Cold Race 1 daily double 6/8. Also a few bucks on the 7/8 DD.

1 comment:

  1. This mare was Ice Cold. She made a run on the turn, reached contention at the top of the lane only to fade in the stretch to finish third.

    19 6-2-23
    strike rate 32%
    cumulative return $73.60
    $2 ROI $3.87
    average winner $12.27
