03 October 2010

Arromanches Finally Shows Up

The ghost of Arromanches returns. #6 Caixa Electronica seems to be the first horse sired by Arromanches -the gray win machine- to run in New York. The connections take a leap of faith and enter this horse in the grade II Kelso stakes. He will need to run the race of his life but crazier things have happened at Belmont. If Caixa Electronica has a a heart anywhere near the size of his daddy he should be okay. The owners of Arromanches left this comment earlier this year on a previous post.

My father and his partners own Arromanches. He is still every bit of amazing now as you remember him years ago. I just found this article and it is wonderful to see that people around the country remember him. Arromanches looks like a million dollars and has thrown some fantastic babies. I also agree that he is one of the most underrated Active Stallions. There will be several babies of his on the ground next year. If there is any interest in breeding to Arromanches next year or purchasing a baby of his you can contact me at lehman_lane@yahoo.com and I can forward the partners your information.

Thank you and Have a Great Day!

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