30 October 2010

Purse Explosion at Belmont

Just a few days after they broke ground at Aqueduct the purses have greatly expanded at Belmont. NY bred allowances are running for $56K. $7.5K claimers run for $31K and maiden specials are no $62K. These are tremendous purses. It is no wonder that the entry box has overflowed all week. Yesterday a N3X/75K open (race 7 29OCT10) allowance going long oversubscribed; this was the kind of race NYRA had trouble filling for the last 8 years. If first impressions hold, this casino subsidy could mean great things for New York racing.


  1. you are so right, they should legalize all gambling, slots, poker, football at all horse racing tracks, plus have a spot for legal Prostitution and legal sale of marijuana. Imagine the happy customers and the sales tax generated for the State.

  2. When the people are ready they will add more vice to the program. A good way to tax without having to call it a tax and without upsetting anyone.

    I see that Soros gave a million to legalize pot in California so I see that the puppet masters have more vice in the pipeline when the people are ready for it.
