12 February 2008

NYRA and Albany close the deal

Reports over the wire indicate that NYRA has closed a deal with Albany and the greatest racing in the world will continue tomorrow (weather permitting). Hopefully in the language of the deal there are some changes to the revenue sharing and NYRA gets to keep some of its profits for facility improvement. More good news is that the Slot shack will only be located at Aqueduct and not Belmont, which keeps that historic facility in tact. Looking forward to bigger purses and the best racing in the world, NYRA racing. See you handicappers on Saturday at our beloved Big-A.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree on two points:
    1) NRYA and Albany closing the deal
    2) NY racing being the "greatest racing in the world"

    Point 1: Even Bruno says that while the framework is in place the deal isn't finished...anything could go wrong still.

    Point 2: Kentucky racing
