13 February 2008

Wednesday 13FEB Power Play

This is the race of the day for wagering purposes as several noted money burners are signed on. You have Declans Moon who made his chops running against Giacomo in 2004, he is way over the top now but still takes loot off that ancient reputation.

Another money burner is Diamond Fury, the $2.7 million purchase for Baffert has earned about a $100K and is a 7 year old, he races off a year layoff today.

Les Grand Trois figures to take a ton of loot for Frankel/Gomez but this closing Sprinter does not have the pace to run at today and catches the strongest field he has ever faced.

We have a pick here up top and it is #5 Tontine Too, this guy is all speed in fact lone speed in the race. Should be loose as a goose, and clear as a tear with a bunch of closers chasing him down the bakstretch. At 5-1 this is the play of the day.

SA Race 8
W#5 Tontine Too

Power Stats
15 3-1-1
strike rate 20%
cumulative return $37.00
ROI $2.47

1 comment:

  1. This one was a late scratch on the dangerous and unstable Pro-Ride/Cushion Track surface. There was a delay between the 4th and 5th race where the tractors gave the track a super harrowing to attempt to get it to be a safe/consistent after some extraordinary times. During the delay there where many scratches including our pick.

    Power Stats
    15 3-1-1
    strike rate 20%
    cumulative return $37.00
    ROI $2.47
