25 July 2009

Extra Zip Play Of The Day

Belmont Race 8
No 12-1 morning line risk taking today. We are going to do this the Smith Barney way, the old fashioned way, earn it on some chalk. Extra Zip drops in class, returns from a big win, has the leading jockey and is lone speed on the inner turf. This horse has more going for him than a handsome 21 year old kid with a rich dad and a drunk Gisele Bundchen on his arm. This horse is either going to win easy or is the most effective capper trap since Secretariat in the 1973 Whitney. I put down the form, looked into Extra Zips eyes and I don't think he is bluffing, he is going to win race 8 handily. Extra Zip is the the single in the late pick 4 and our play of the day.

Win #7 Extra Zip


30 12-3-1
strike rate 40%
cumulative return 96.20
$2 ROI $3.21


  1. So lone speed on the inner turf is back in? It was out in Wednesday's comments.

  2. RG
    Yes lone speed on the inner is back in effect. The solar Eclipse the other day realigned the magnetic field around Belmont.

  3. Extra Zip rolled as expected at a short price. While the win pool was nothing to gloat about he did key some okay late horizontal wagers. Even better if you played with the confidence of a power capper and used the larger denominations with a few zeros in there. The funny thing was that the win price is actually going to bring down the ROI stats as we averaged a 55% roi or $3.21 off the $2 scale before this race. The Zippster returned $3.10 for the win pool players.

    31 13-3-1
    strike rate 42%
    cumulative return 99.30
    $2 ROI $3.20

  4. good call, always being on the hunt for value I also had Piazza di Spagna on one of my P4 tix... not that it mattered since Funny Moon ruined the party for me.
