25 July 2009

Top Ten Track Slogans

Who can forget famous commercial slogans like "Where's The Beef?" or Nike's "Just Do It". These slogans helped Wendy's crawl out from McDonalds shadow and made Nike the most successful footwear company in the world. It seems like tracks have missed out on the marketing potential of having a slogan that is easy to remember and really catchy. If done right a slogan can embed itself into the minds of the masses. It can take a place that is rarely thought about and make it a place that everyone knows about. Let's get started on bringing a few tracks out of the background and into the public's eye.

10 - Philadelphia Casino & Racetrack - A Totally New Way To Play The Double!

9 - Monmouth Park - Really Really Far From Any Toxic Waste!

8- Keeneland - Our Polytrack Will Amuse You And Confuse You!

7- Aqueduct - Where Snow And Ice Meets Gambling Vice!

6 - Belmont - The Big Empty

photo credit Johnny Evil

5 - Saratoga - We're Not Like Aqueduct At All We're For White People

4 - Suffolk Downs - Home Of The Mass Cap (when we feel like it)

3- Hollywood Park - We Put The Track In Track Housing

2- Mountaineer - Better Than Cockroach Races....You Betcha!!!

1- Del Mar - Where The Sea Foam Meets The Styrofoam

1 comment:

  1. here's another one for Del Mar... "Where the Turf Meets the Botox"
